Indoor herb gardens are easy to grow but challenging as well. They may attract insects and mites. To avoid these one need to be alert and know some tricks to be successful. The indoor herb garden can be anywhere in the home. It can be in kitchen, patio, back porch or even on the window sill. Here are some useful tips and tricks to start an indoor herb garden.
Do not choose terracotta pots as they absorb more moisture and dry out the plants. Use small celled plastic trays so that the herbs can be separated and their roots will have easy time establishing themselves. Moreover, the plastic can hold the moisture longer.
Regardless of the type of the pot, it should have a better drainage to get the excess water out. Use rocks or foam at the bottom to keep the roots from rotting.
To know if it is time to water, insert a finger about an inch into the soil, if it is dry, it's time for watering. This works during summer, when the water may dry out sooner.
So try to keep the plants closer to the window in direct sunlight during the light periods and not just ‘near' the window. Open the curtains, blinds and draws to have the sunlight enter and do not have any light obstructers on the way.
Rotate the plants once a week so that all the parts get equal amount of light. The herbs should get 4-6 hours of light every day.
Choose light weight potting soil for the herbs. It should also have high concentration of organic matter so that there is less need for fertilization.
Herbs do not need extensive fertilization. A good quality potting soil can hold the plants for longer before it requires fertilization. They will need only occasional fertilization mixed with their water.
Look for dried or dead leaves and remove them regularly to allow green leaves to grow.
While harvesting, do not pluck out the plants, simply cut it leaving a few inches above the root to allow new spouts to grow.
Never cut all the larger leaves, as they act as solar panels and cutting them can kill the plants altogether.
The best herbs for indoor growing are chives, mint, parsley, sage, tarragon, thyme, cilantro etc.
Use lazy Susan for small pots and rotating them for even light exposure will be easy. This will also prevent the frequent carrying of the pots around.
Keep the pots at an elevated area to prevent the pets from eating the foliage.
Herbs are best grown from the seeds. Transplanting them can be hard and can also kill the plants. So get some new seeds batch from the market to start your indoor herb garden.
Use LED Grow Light as the artificial light source when needed. They can get enough light for compensation and will also not harm the plants with the harshness.
You may also want to check out the Grandma's Secret Garden – 9 Plant Grow Box and the Gorilla Grow Tent if you plan to do some serious indoor gardening.
How To Start An Indoor Herb Garden – Tips & Tricks
Saturday, 7 November 2015 9:37:33 PM Pacific/Auckland
Posted in Hydroponic System News