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Marijuana growers go to extraordinary lengths to obtain perfect buds with high terpene content, the right taste and the right looks. There are several factors that influence the product. One is control of humidity. During the vegetative stage the plant needs high humidity but as it matures, humidity needs to be reduced. Applying some stress to the plant increase terpene production resulting in buds that taste great. Temperature is also a key influence in growth, maturation and budding process. Night and day temperatures must be managed at the comfort level of around 80 degrees. Plants also need ventilation and since most growers cultivate marijuana indoors, this is also a critical factor. Some growers resort to additional carbon dioxide coupled with high intensity levels of light to promote extra growth and get more yield. Soil is also a key to healthy foliage and budding. Growing methods such as hydroponics, aeroponics or potted plant or bed plant cultivation is another influence on the final yield and quality.

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Closet Grow Room

Wednesday, 6 May 2015 4:01:45 PM Pacific/Auckland

Do you love fresh flowers and vegetables? Want to be able to grow all the fresh veggies you want year around? Well now you can, and without all the hours spent bent over with a sore back working in your outdoor garden. Gardens are not as easy to care for as people may think, you are forever battling weeds, bugs, pests, and animals maybe even the neighbors stealing your crops. So if you want all the benefits of an outdoor garden without all the headache, why not get a closet grow room?

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By admin admin

Grow lights for indoor plants and other accessories for your garden

Sunday, 19 April 2015 12:55:20 AM Pacific/Auckland

You might be interested to know more about wide spectrum grow lights for indoor plants designed for orchids etc. This is the light which helps the tropical and other indoor plants bloom and grow. This is scientifically designed and has spectral distribution. In grow light bulbs high pressure sodium light is used to grow fruits and flowers indoors through the process of photosynthesis.  When you talk of indoor grow lights LED grow lighting is also a good alternative; they do not require cooling as they can be operated at low temperatures.  High pressure sodium lights are very popular; different color lights are used to stimulate the growth of flowers and fruits. Plant grow lights which use high pressure sodium lights are long lasting and run up to two years.

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History of Hydroponics

Friday, 27 March 2015 7:29:32 PM Pacific/Auckland

Hydroponics is a means of growing plants in nutrient water without the use of soil. Instead of soil a non-reacting medium is used such as perlite, gravel, or the husk of coconuts. It was known as early as the 18 century that plants absorb their minerals in water as ions. The soil in traditional growing acts as a nutrient reservoir but does not actually contribute to plants growth. Water dissolves the minerals in the plants soil enabling the plants to use them. In hydroponics the minerals required for plants growth are artificially dissolved in the water making soil unnecessary. It is possible to grow almost any soil based plant using hydroponics. Hydroponics is such a promising field that there is much research into different methods in the academic community.

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Simple Salt Aquarium Lighting

Tuesday, 17 March 2015 9:36:33 PM Pacific/Auckland

Lighting your saltwater aquarium is one of the most difficult tasks for new hobbyists. Many people buying their first saltwater aquarium are affected by analysis paralysis. They get stuck trying to figure out what light fixture will be best for their aquarium.

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By admin admin

Aquarium lighting is the most significant yet overlooked component of any aquarium, as many people are not aware that proper light intensity is required for invertebrates and corals to survive. It is a fact that plants, corals, and invertebrates are in definite need of light for photosynthesis to generate food and energy. Thus, if the light condition is not proper then invertebrates and corals are not able to receive the sufficient light from the aquarium lights and then it becomes difficult for the aquatic plants and corals to survive. Therefore selecting the right aquarium and fish tank light is essential to prolong the life of coral, fish, and aquatic plants.

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Marijuana Grow Lights - LED Grow Lights Increase Productivity

Wednesday, 24 December 2014 9:22:03 PM Pacific/Auckland

Marijuana has been cultivated for centuries by cultures throughout the world. Some cultures use marijuana in religious ceremonies, others use it to relieve to medical ailments, and some use it for recreational purposes. The first indoor marijuana grow relied on High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) grow lights as a sunlight replacement for plants indoors. These forms of High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights produce a full-spectrum white light, the final color of which is determined by the gasses and elements within the bulb. While these full-spectrum HID lights have worked well to grow marijuana for decades, the majority of light they create is unused (reflected) by plants. In fact as much as 70% of the light they create is never processed during photosynthesis, meaning the majority of the power they consume is simply wasted energy.

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Aquarium : what one needs to know

Wednesday, 10 September 2014 3:16:24 AM Pacific/Auckland

Anyone who rears fish knows the importance of having the fish aquaria in top conditions. One must be aware that he or she is dealing with living things, and he or she must at all times be mindful of such things as the fish's oxygen needs, the pH of the water, the ammonia content, the nitrates as well as the nitrites and many other needs. The fish might die if not well taken care of. However, it is not hard to take care of them, and all one needs to do is to make sure that he or she does ample research so as to know which products and services he or she needs for his or her Aquarium.

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By admin admin

How to use a grow tent in your home

Thursday, 17 July 2014 6:58:24 PM Pacific/Auckland

This is exactly what it states it is – a grow tent, yet as one may surmise it is much more than a typical tent acquired at a nearby outdoors centre. It is all you need to grow your favourite fruit and vegetables. The tent incorporates a lightweight fabric which is both waterproof and light reflective inside and dark on the outside. It's delivered collapsed and is quick and easy to set up and dismantle. This makes it a good product to use as it can be moved to different areas or rooms when necessary. It is totally self-contained so all the mess and cables can be covered appropriately so you can continue to use the space it is installed in. The tent has zippered sections that allow access for air-flow systems and various wiring that you need to employ. Also there are flaps at the bottom of the tent to aid with air circulation at plant level. In some models the tent has pockets on the interior where you are able to house any equipment that you use regularly.

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The Importance of a Growing Tent in Hydroponics Gardening

Tuesday, 1 July 2014 8:29:46 PM Pacific/Auckland

Growing plants by the hydroponics method is steadily gaining in popularity all over the world, since people are discovering that they are easy to manage, and give you many benefits. You need no soil for hydroponic gardening, and not as much space is used as in traditional gardening methods. Your maintenance needed for a garden is also reduced when you grow hydroponically. There are many ways to use hydroponic gardening for your plants.

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Popular LED Aquarium Lights for Aquarium Fish Tanks

Wednesday, 11 June 2014 9:36:59 PM Pacific/Auckland

Aquarium is a nice choice to decorate houses, and many people have aquarium tanks at home. LED lights are one of the latest popular trends among aquarium enthusiasts. It is quite beneficial to use them for aquarium lighting, they can help create a more thriving plant and fish community overall. They come with different sizes and wattages according to the size of the aquariums. Once you know the size of your aquarium tank, you will know which type of LED aquarium light you need. They are simple to use, easy to maintain, and will greatly save electricity bills over time. Following are some benefits and tips to use LED aquarium lights for your aquarium.

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Reduce Energy Consumption with LED Aquarium lights

Wednesday, 7 May 2014 3:14:59 AM Pacific/Auckland

Nowadays, lighting has become a vital part of aquarium. The health of the plants in your aquarium depends upon the lighting. Therefore, a wrong choice can lead to improper growth of plants and cause algae formation. However, you can prevent such things from happening. With the advancement in science and technology, LED aquarium lights have been now introduced in the market. Actually, LED refers to ‘Light emitting diodes'. The different diodes radiate different wavelengths and colors of light. The basic colors are red, yellow and blue. But, combination of wavelengths from different diodes appears to be white.

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Led Grow Lights - How led grow lights now rival Hps

Sunday, 27 April 2014 8:47:07 PM Pacific/Auckland

Not so long ago led grow lights arrived on the market, low yields and small fruits were the cry from the general growing community but nowadays the humble led grow light has started a growing renaissance with large yields and large fruits easily achievable.

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Hydroponic Plants for Hydroponic Gardening

Friday, 18 April 2014 7:49:21 PM Pacific/Auckland

You can build personal hydroponics garden any where around you. It is not very demanding and attention seeking method of gardening compared to traditional pot growing. It is soilless growing method. Hydroponics, also known as water culture, involves cultivation in water containing nutrients.

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The Controversy Surrounding LED Grow Lights

Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:08:31 PM Pacific/Auckland

Anytime a new product is introduced on the market, there can be a bit of controversy surrounding it based on whether it actually works as marketed.  Such is the case with LED grow lights.  Although there has been some disagreement over how well the bulbs work for growing plants indoors, research indicates that the controversy is not founded.

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The Future is Bright with the LED Aquarium Lights

Monday, 17 March 2014 4:25:22 AM Pacific/Auckland

Until a time no so long ago, LEDs were only used as a single bulb or a strand of bulbs to light up electronic panels, accent furniture, and improve both the interior and exterior of cars, that is until the creative team of LED manufacturers came up with the idea of grouping these diodes together and adding a reflector to increase illumination, thereby giving birth to the LED aquarium lights.

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Aquarium LED Lighting Comparison

Monday, 3 March 2014 10:34:21 PM Pacific/Auckland

This comparison takes into account the initial setup, and continued cost of lighting a beautiful aquarium over a 1-2 year period.   It will show that LED aquarium lights are actually the cheapest to keep and maintain.

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Advantages Of Led Aquarium Lights

Tuesday, 25 February 2014 11:37:19 PM Pacific/Auckland

LED aquarium lights are very common today. When they emerged, people preferred them for nighttime illumination. Today, they seem to be their preference for the whole day aquarium lighting. There are many factors influencing their new taste and preference. First, all of you know that LED bulbs are energy saving. They consume a reasonable amount of power without compromising the quality of light they emit. In fact, they consume only thirty percent of energy; thus, they save about seventy percent.

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How to choose the suitable grow light for your greenhouse

Thursday, 13 February 2014 2:43:21 AM Pacific/Auckland

The newest type of grow lights use LED technology. One major advantage to the LED grow lights is the small size. LED grow lights are only a few inches in diameter and are easy to mount. In some greenhouses, LED grow light may be the only practical light option. Hanging most grow lights requires a strong greenhouse structure and a place to hang the lights. LED grow light weigh a fraction of other lights and are easy to configure where needed. According to LED manufacturers, LED grow light maximize blue and red light to provide and excellent balance for plants. They do not have much green-yellow light. Since humans see green-yellow light best LED grow lights appear dim to our eyes. And the most important advantage is that LED grow light is green technology which don't contain any harmful substance like HID or other traditional grow lights, and it can save 70-80% electricity bill than using HID lamp. This is newest technology used for plant growing now and becoming more and more popular.

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Hydroponics has been converting farmers and commercial farming has also been trying out this novel method.An indoor grow method is possible with just a container of water and the addition of specific nutrients and minerals that the plant will need.No soil for these indoor grow plants means that maintenance is reduced and even the use of pesticides and chemicals for weeding and for pests is reduced.These plants require just the right amount of sunlight and heat and grow beautifully in greenhouses.People with small spaces can make use of any tiny space to create a garden for themselves by even having hanging or wall mounted containers.For those growing plants for commercial purposes there are many products available that help in larger scale gardening and all of these are now easily available. This method conserves water as a large supply of water is usually needed to water a large crop and with timers available for the grow tents these help to control the amount of electricity that is consumed.The growing tents also control the temperature inside and this helps the plant in producing a better yield.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By admin admin