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Best Grow Lights For Indoor Marijuana Growing

Friday, 20 April 2018 3:27:10 PM Pacific/Auckland

If you are planning on growing your Cannabis indoors, you most likely have already taken a look at the different lighting options available. Every grower has his or her personal preference for grow lights, and you have probably already received advice about setting up your own lighting system in one way or another. But how do you know that it is the best way for you?

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LED Lights For Growing Indoor Marijuana

Tuesday, 20 February 2018 3:13:52 PM Pacific/Auckland

When creating an indoor setup for growing marijuana, one of the most important decisions is what kind of lights to use. In this article, we’ll cover a few of the different options and details about LED lights.

Thank your for your readed, please visit our website LED Grow Lights is future for indoor grow marijuana.

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Advantages Of Growing Marijuana Indoors

Tuesday, 30 January 2018 4:47:04 AM Pacific/Auckland

If you’ve decided to start growing cannabis and you already have a basic understanding of the best growing environment for your plant to thrive, then you probably are wondering whether you should grow your plants indoors or outdoors.
Growers on either side will insist that their way is the best way. Ultimately, your safety and success are the two most important factors you need to consider. Although growing cannabis indoors has its risks, the growing environment can be kept perfectly controlled according to your plants’ needs.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

Plant Nutrients for Hydroponics

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 2:08:07 AM Pacific/Auckland

Hydroponics is a method of indoor gardening that does not use soil as a growing medium for the plants. Plants can be grown in a water solution, or in other growing mediums such as rockwool or coir. Hydroponics is an ideal method of growing plants where soil may be less than ideal for gardening, as well as places where there is no land available to garden, such as in urban areas in cities.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

How to Grow Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Thursday, 28 December 2017 1:54:16 AM Pacific/Auckland

Aquarium plants are part of our biological filtration. They do this by helping to remove harmful ammonia (which fish naturally excrete into the water). Many aquatic plants will help remove ammonia but not nitrites. Some aquarists use this information in natural aquariums. When planting aquatic plants, we can create new underwater worlds, or try to imitate nature.

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By M Mike

Indoor vs Outdoor Growing: Which is Best For You?

Tuesday, 5 December 2017 2:11:02 AM Pacific/Auckland

The war wages between indoor grow and outdoor grow. Indoor growers love the ability to control their gardens, but outdoor growers tend to argue that only Mother Nature gives you the best yields you’ll ever have. With all the advantages and disadvantages of both, you’re probably asking which is the better of the two styles of growing?

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Top 10 Tips To Create The Best Marijuana Indoor Garden For Beginners

Saturday, 18 November 2017 4:27:43 PM Pacific/Auckland

In this article we will provide you what we think are the most important tips to successfully grow ganja. Growing healthy Marijuana plants can be easy, but it can also be a difficult task. It all depends on how much you’re willing to offer your indoor garden.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

Grower Q&A: “Should I move my plants inside for winter?”

Monday, 6 November 2017 11:52:51 PM Pacific/Auckland

Outdoor grower Carson in Maine asks us, “Should I move my plants inside for winter?”

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

How to Grow an Herb Garden Indoors Year Round

Monday, 23 October 2017 9:36:09 PM Pacific/Auckland

If you love fresh spaghetti sauce or pesto, then you've just got to have fresh basil and other herbs all year round! A nice window garden getting at least 4 or 5 hours of direct light from a sunny window will give you something to pinch here and there. Gardens with mint, rosemary, bay leaf, savory, oregano, chervil, basil, and thyme are some of the easiest to grow this way.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

How to Plant Cannabis Seeds Indoors

Sunday, 15 October 2017 6:57:37 PM Pacific/Auckland

Have you ever wanted to plant and grow your own Cannabis. Although, because of the underground nature of cannabis cultivation, there are more methods than there are gardeners.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

5 Countries Where Marijuana is Legal

Thursday, 5 October 2017 10:16:36 PM Pacific/Auckland

Most people know about Holland's famously relaxed laws regarding marijuana (which is why it doesn't feature on the list below!) While no other country has achieved such high profile recognition for making marijuana legal, a number of places around the world have quietly relaxed their laws concerning possession for personal use. In most of these countries, possession still remains technically illegal, but penalties are not enforced if you are within certain guidelines - this is known as decriminalisation.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

How High Should Your Grow Lights Be Above Your Plants?

Monday, 25 September 2017 9:48:52 PM Pacific/Auckland

If your indoor garden is supposed to mimic a plant’s environment, then the grow light is the sun from which everything grows- only you have control over what type of light and how much of it your plant receives. That’s partially why growers say more light=better yields. But does that mean you should get more lights and hang them as close to your plants as possible without touching them?

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

Grow food indoors and eat fresh

Wednesday, 13 September 2017 1:31:59 AM Pacific/Auckland

It is always a matter of great pleasure to grow foods for own and it has been proved a favorite past time for many people. But the main problem is not everyone has access to an outdoor space. So anyone can take the opportunity to grow foods indoors.  Everyone nowadays seems to grow them indoors. As growing anything is not so easy and you may face difficulties to grow them so the proper steps to grow a food must be figured out.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Are LED Grow Lights the Future to Growing Plants?

Tuesday, 8 August 2017 6:40:14 PM Pacific/Auckland

We all know that light is needed for growth of plants, right? High intensity discharge (HID) lights have been the industry standard and led the way for indoor growing. It has been proven to be valued as a good mimic of natural sunlight. But there comes a point when using HIDs, that there should be a better alternative. We’re looking at high electricity costs that cleans out the wallet, clunky or heavy equipment that takes time to install, constant bulb replacements (no one likes an empty wallet), and extreme heat that can hurt your plants.  In fact, the number one complaint I hear is that most growers don’t like the high energy costs that HID grow lights come with. You can either grow with HID (That’s HPS and MH bulbs) grow light systems or opt for LED grow lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

LED Grow Light Vs HPS Grow Light

Wednesday, 12 July 2017 3:24:30 AM Pacific/Auckland

Over several years there has been a strong debate between LED grow light vs HPS grow light. However, the arguments between the two have become less apparent with the new advancements made with LED grow light technology. They are becoming more powerful, still extremely efficient than standard HPS or MH grow lights, and, believe it or not, are producing massive yields in the flowering stages of plants. Continue on as we discuss the basics of indoor grow lights and how you can utilize both grow light systems towards your benefit.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

Enhancing Flavor with Hydroponic Gardening

Saturday, 1 July 2017 8:37:56 PM Pacific/Auckland

One of the many advantages of growing your own vegetables hydroponically is that your vegetables often taste better. The produce you get from the supermarket is often very bland for a number of reasons.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Best Grow Lights In Indoor Gardening

Sunday, 4 June 2017 8:23:54 PM Pacific/Auckland

Grow Lights is something important tools if you want to start indoor gardening. There are many types of grow lights for indoor plants available on the market. Choosing the right indoor grow lights will affects your plants growth rate. Example of the best grow lights available on the market include led grow lights, hps grow light, incandescents and metal halide grow lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By admin admin

How to Grow Plants With Grow Lights

Friday, 19 May 2017 10:59:41 PM Pacific/Auckland

Plants need light to grow and flourish. Some plants cannot survive outdoors in the winter, and if you do not have a yard, your only choice might be to grow plants indoors. Indoor plant growing can be difficult, though. Positioning your plants in a window does not always provide enough light, and it can sometimes be too much direct light. Grow lights are one solution to indoor plant growing. There are different kinds of grow lights and light system setups that vary according to the type of plant being grown. Use these steps to use the proper grow lights when growing plants indoors.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By admin admin

All About Hydroponics Kits and its Supplies

Wednesday, 3 May 2017 5:30:31 AM Pacific/Auckland

Are you into gardening? If yes, then it becomes very important for you to understand the concept, significance as well as the basics about hydroponics. The word hydroponics refers to a type of indoor gardening that uses hydroponic nutrients instead of soil. And the advantage of doing so is that this nutrient solution provides everything that the plants need to grow healthily. So, if you wish to get started with growing plants hydroponically, then, you should be aware about the several basic types of hydroponics supplies prevalent that can help you with a better plantation.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By admin admin

LED Grow Light with professional cultivator

Thursday, 2 March 2017 10:55:01 PM Pacific/Auckland

If you are a professional cultivator, or a person who is growing plants indoors as a hobby but are really serious about, you'd probably already have a few grow lights installed. If you are just starting or are planning to, you would be looking for the good ones out there in the market, and LED grow lights are the best.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By admin admin