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A Grow Cabinet for Indoor Growing

Monday, 15 July 2019 12:08:07 AM Pacific/Auckland

Growing cabinet is a handy device to make use of for growing plants indoors. They are compact units, so even if you want to garden indoors and live at the top of a building in a small condo unit, you can also enjoy bringing fresh vegetables and flowers to life with it. Hydroponics aficionados can use a grow cabinet for hydroponic gardening indoors as well.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By Michael D

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using LED Grow Lights

Saturday, 6 July 2019 8:01:58 PM Pacific/Auckland

Takeaway: Grow lights are a great tool for making the growing process more efficient, but they can also be harmful to the plant if not used correctly. Here are 10 things you should avoid doing when using LED and other types of grow lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

11 Core guidelines to know before buying grow lights for urban farming

Saturday, 22 June 2019 6:26:48 PM Pacific/Auckland

Grow lights are available in an incredibly wide amount of prices, sizes, and styles. Before you make a purchase decision, you may want to consider these guidelines to consider before buying grow lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Guide For Build An Indoor Grow Room

Wednesday, 22 May 2019 2:13:39 PM Pacific/Auckland

With an indoor grow room systems you will be able to cultivate flowers, herbs or vegetables inside and at any time of year. If you have considered growing indoors now is an excellent time to get started.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By Michael D


Tuesday, 9 April 2019 12:08:17 AM Pacific/Auckland

Normally people set up indoor grow operations because they live in an environment where you can’t grow plants year round, or because they’re trying to control the plant growth environment for some particular reason. Whatever your reasons for setting up an indoor grow operation you’ll want to take a close look at what your options are before you get started. If you’re just looking to grow one or two houseplants you may not need an elaborate set up, but if you’re looking to grow most of your family’s vegetables or you want to start a business to sell produce on the open market, things get a little more involved.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By Michael D


Wednesday, 27 February 2019 9:31:33 PM Pacific/Auckland

Starting any new business or personal project can be daunting if you don’t understand how everything works, and when it comes to an indoor grow operation of any kind you have to start with an understanding of photosynthesis. Let’s begin at the end. Assume it’s several months from now and you’ve successfully grown your first crops in your indoor operation. How did you get there? What made your plants succeed where others might have failed? It all begins with photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a fairly complex process that all plants use in order to grow, flower, and spread their seeds to ensure the continuation of the species. In the process they provide a lot of other benefits to every other living creature on the planet and that’s why there’s no doubt that photosynthesis is the most important life-giving process on this planet. I know it may seem like we’ve strayed a little bit, but I think it’s important to understand how important this process is before explaining how you can ensure that it works well for you and your plants. In this article we’ll go through the entire photosynthesis process and how you can use it to your advantage to grow the best indoor crops.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

LED Grow Lights and Your Eyes. What You Need To Know

Thursday, 3 January 2019 8:33:13 PM Pacific/Auckland

With constant technological advancement in horticultural light systems, indoor growers who choose LED grow lights may be able to calculate higher yields for their plants in shorter amounts of time. But scientific breakthroughs benefitting the growth of your plants might pose unseeable risks to your eye health, especially long term.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

Old School Marijuana Growers VS New School Growers – LED Grow Lights

Tuesday, 18 December 2018 10:16:45 PM Pacific/Auckland

If there is one thing that I know about growing marijuana, it’s that there is always a better way to do it. Another thing that I can say for sure is that there is an endless supply of people who are certain that they know exactly what that better way to do it is. The truth is, I don’t claim to be the best grower on the planet. I know many, many people that can run circles around me with their knowledge of growing cannabis. I definitely recognize that, and I think that being a humble grower that is willing to set biases aside and learn about what works and what doesn’t from people is vital to maturing as a cannabis grower.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

Benefits of Using LED Grow Lights In The Farming Sector

Sunday, 9 December 2018 1:31:34 AM Pacific/Auckland

1% of all electricity use in the United States is towards indoor gardens. How can we limit our use and still produce?
LED grow lights are becoming a hot trend in the farming area due to the multiple benefits delivered by LED lighting technology. It is basically used for viable urban agricultural practices. One important reason behind the growth of LED technology is our increased awareness towards global warming. LED lights are used for lighting different areas including offices, streets, airport and other latest technologies such as TV, smart phones and computers. LED technology has also delivered great results in greenhouse settings. When it comes to the farming sector, plants grow well in a greenhouse setting. It is important to ensure accurate temperature and brightness to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. Over the last few years research conducted on LED grow lights has emphasized on enhancing the use of LED grow lights in farming. This has lead to the introduction of grow light kits which are easy to install and use.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike

A Beginner’s Guide To Grow Tents

Wednesday, 21 November 2018 7:55:37 PM Pacific/Auckland

A grow tent allows you to create a perfect indoor growing environment for your healthy and strong flowering plants.

Grow tents are made from fabric, which means they are much more versatile and easily transportable than grow boxes because you are able to fold them. This comes in handy if you have to move your grow operation out of a sudden, or if you want to dismantle your grow tent between crops.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By M Mike

Grow Flowers With Hydroponics

Tuesday, 13 November 2018 2:17:01 AM Pacific/Auckland

In fact, hydroponics gardening systems have some advantages over conventional soil culture. Furthermore, you can even maintain soil-free flower gardens with organic hydroponic nutrients, similar to those that you would use to enrich your soil.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike


Tuesday, 16 October 2018 1:16:43 AM Pacific/Auckland

When I first started to look into what I would need to create my own successful grow operation I didn’t think there would be too much to it. I was well aware that I would need some lights and some kind of appropriate structure for growing plants in, but I figured that was about it. As it turns out, that was just the beginning – there’s a lot more involved with growing plants indoors and if you don’t take the time to create the right environment for your plants you won’t have a lot of success.

Indoor grow operations require several things to be successful including lighting, the appropriate amount of humidity, proper ventilation to ensure CO2 levels are maintained, a controlled temperature, and, of course, there are safety concerns to consider as well. If you put all of these things in place and use them in the right way there is no reason that you can’t grow plants indoors that are as healthy as outdoor plants.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Growing Herbs Indoors

Friday, 28 September 2018 7:40:20 PM Pacific/Auckland

Herbs make a great addition to a garden, but they can also be grown indoors as year-round houseplants or just during the winter months to protect tender herbs such as rosemary or basil.

Herbs grown indoors offer many benefits including fragrant foliage, various foliage colors and shapes, a constant supply of herb leaves for cooking, and continual leaf production after the outdoor growing season has ended. If you will be growing herbs for their leaves, make sure that enough are grown to supply ingredients for your favorite dishes.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

Hydroponic Herbs

Monday, 17 September 2018 2:20:06 PM Pacific/Auckland

Thinking of growing herbs? We recommend that you try hydroponics. This gardening technique offers greater benefits compared to growing herbs in conventional soil. Without soil, roots receive their nutrient solution immediately, water stress is never an issue, and herbs remain small and efficient – so plants are able to convert energy into their top growth. It’s easy and, best of all, you will have fresh, flavorful herbs throughout the year. Let’s look at why hydroponics is so efficient, and then detail which hydroponic herbs are best to get started with.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Grow Lights for Weed

Monday, 3 September 2018 2:19:32 PM Pacific/Auckland

As more and more states legalize cannabis for cultivation and personal use, interest in growing your own weed at home has never been so high. It comes as no surprise that many people are choosing to grow their own marijuana using indoor hydroponics techniques instead of traditional soil-based methods. This is because hydroponics offers many benefits, such as faster growth, higher yields, fewer pests, and a more discreet way to grow cannabis to its fullest genetic potential. But producing high quality marijuana doesn’t come easy. It starts with a good hydroponics system setup – including the best grow lights for weed.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

How to Grow Marijuana – Chapter 4 – Flowering and Curing Marijuana

Monday, 27 August 2018 5:01:11 PM Pacific/Auckland

Marijuana is a wonderful herb that grows naturally all over the planet. Unfortunately it is still illegal to grow marijuana in many countries. Please check your local laws before growing marijuana. With that said, let’s get growing!

It’s been a month and a half and you are finally ready to flower! The first thing to understand is that some of your plants may be male plants. The female plants flower, yielding herb to smoke. The male plants grow pollen sacks which impregnate the female plants, creating seeds. Unless you want seeds for future grows it is important to pick out the male plants as soon as they show signs. The first step to flowering is changing the light pattern. Your plants are used to either 18 or 24hrs of light a day. In the wild, plants flower when the light of day shortens, so to stimulate flowering, change your lighting to 12hours on and 12hours off everyday. Also flush your nutrients and switch to flowering measurements. In the first week you have to keep a very close eye on the sex of your plants. Male plants grow little balls that eventually open up with pollen. Female plants grow flowers. You can detect a female plant early because it will have hairs growing out of the calyx located on flowering branches.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

How to Keep Indoor Plants Healthy

Saturday, 18 August 2018 3:44:33 PM Pacific/Auckland

There are a couple of basic considerations which must be kept in mind in the selection and care of any house plant or group of house plants.

It's always easier (and better) to prevent the disease than to cure the patient. That's just as true for house plants as it is for people. Thousands of words have been written on plant diseases and blights; we can read books on insects and plant insect infestation but the number of house plants that fall prey to these ills is infinitesimal when compared with the tremendous majority that die from neglect or from the gardener's lack of knowledge of the habits of the plants themselves.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Build An Indoor Marijuana Grow Room

Wednesday, 6 June 2018 1:59:14 AM Pacific/Auckland

The Marijuana Grow Room’ is where it all happens. The germination, early growing, vegetation, and flowering stages of your beloved cannabis plants will all take place here. Any problems you encounter and solutions you discover will occur here. Whether your harvest is a success or failure will depend mostly on how you build your grow room.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By M Mike

LED Aquarium Lighting Tips

Sunday, 13 May 2018 11:46:26 PM Pacific/Auckland

Thanks to dramatic energy savings, long life, and amazing color and shimmer possibilities, LED aquarium lighting continues to grow in popularity. Thinking of adding LEDs to your aquarium setup? These tips and guidelines can help ensure success from the start.

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By M Mike

Best Light Spectrum for Coral Growth

Tuesday, 1 May 2018 2:01:30 AM Pacific/Auckland

It is common to have many people looking for ways to create the right environment for better coral growth. Most of the time, many aquarists would invest a lot of time and money into making the best composition of the tank to ensure that coral growth is better.

They all have one thing in common, which is to neglect the type of lighting used for the reef tank. The type of light you get to choose plays an important role in providing the best light spectrum needed for coral growth.

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By M Mike