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Top 05 Best Apollo Led Grow lights Reviews For Indoor Gardeners

Tuesday, 20 October 2020 1:38:35 PM Pacific/Auckland

With the spread of the indoor growing, LEDs have become very popular in this industry. There are many companies providing LED grow lights to this market, and Apollo Company is just one of the many. Apollo LED Grow Lights are very popular where full spectrum lighting for indoors places is a concern. The grow lights are considered to be the best effective alternative to the HID (High-Intensity Discharge) lighting like High Sodium Bulbs, Fluorescent Light Bulbs and Metal Halide.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Jason Jeffrey

Do plants grow better in sunlight or artificial light?

Friday, 2 October 2020 7:27:07 PM Pacific/Auckland

Growing plants indoors with artificial light is certainly possible, and there’s a good chance you’re already doing it. Houseplants like ivy are descended from forest bottom dwellers and shade loving plants. They blossom on exposure to natural sunlight but can typically get enough light from a full day’s exposure to your standard fluorescent lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Jason Jeffrey

Are LED Grow Lights Safe For Humans?

Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2:32:45 PM Pacific/Auckland

Are LED grow lights safe for humans? This is a question that many people who grow plants indoors ask. Well, apart from being cost-effective and energy efficient, LED grow lights are highly safe compared to other forms of lighting technologies used in plant growth.
The common concerns when it comes to LED grow lights are centered on eye and skin safety as well as component materials that make the LED lamps. Understanding the safety of LED lights will give you assurance on the use of these lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Jason Jeffrey

How to Grow With LED Grow Light

Saturday, 22 August 2020 12:38:39 AM Pacific/Auckland

Grow lights can be used in a variety of ways. They may let you grow sun-loving plants indoors or on a windowsill that doesn’t get enough natural light. Grow lights can increase the yield of an indoor garden or delay the production of fruit and foliage. Colored grow lights could let you foster leaf or stem growth over the plant’s natural growth pattern. And grow lights could foster accelerated growth of plants in their early stages. Let’s review how to grow with LED grow lights, regardless of your intended application.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Growing Medical Marijuana

Sunday, 7 June 2020 10:04:07 PM Pacific/Auckland

When you consume marijuana medicinally, there are many reasons why you’d want a constant supply on hand. For a lot of patients, this means growing your own. But how do you get started growing marijuana, and how do you ensure the best quality marijuana for your purposes? This guide will discuss the best ways to grow marijuana for medical use.

What is Medical Marijuana?
Before we begin discussing ways to grow medical marijuana, we should first clarify what medical marijuana is. To be honest, there is no real difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. However, depending on where you reside, there may be legal differences based on how it will be used. In some areas, only medical use of marijuana is permitted. In others, such as in most of the West Coast of the United States, medical users are allowed to have more marijuana than recreational users.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By Michael D

Grow Your Plants Anywhere Using A Planter Box

Tuesday, 12 May 2020 8:42:36 PM Pacific/Auckland

Gardening was once a tedious job for most of us especially for those who are too busy with their other priorities. But today, gardening can already be done easily. Container gardening is the best way for us to enjoy gardening even when we have so little time to spend for it. It has made gardening possible for plant lovers who cannot find time to do their passion.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D

An In-Ddepth Look At Indoor Grow Kits

Monday, 13 April 2020 2:36:09 AM Pacific/Auckland

Knowing how you can control the environmental conditions through the use of a grow kit, offers several advantages, the most important being that you’ll grow your weed or any other plant in an ideal environment, far away from the stress and pressures of the weather-bitten outdoors. Using soil as a growth medium is the most traditional way of cultivating pot plants, yet, in recent years, researchers have found that pot plants are taking in their nutrients only when fully dissolved in water.

Several indoor grow kits are not mandatory for starting your how to grow pot adventure. There are things that you should not forget however.   Don’t take off your list things like grow lights, ventilation or nutrients dispersal grow kits. The lighting grow kit you’re going to use is one of the most important aspects for cultivating weed and it highly influences the growth rate, quality and potency of the buds.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D

Do Your Freshwater Aquarium Lights Heat Up Your Fish Tank

Tuesday, 3 March 2020 8:03:54 AM Pacific/Auckland

What are the different kinds of lighting for aquariums? How do you balance light and dark in the aqua-house? What is best for your fish when it comes to lighting matter? The familiar biblical note that goes, "Let there be light!, can be appreciated on the emphasis of the importance of light to all living creatures. It can spell beauty, health and attitude. It is not surprising that in photography and cinematography, for example, light is a basic principle and a very crucial component. For humans, the absence and presence of light can define the high and low parts of people's life. Light can mean happiness and hope while darkness can mean melancholy and depression. It can also mean day and night. Humans need day light for energy and dim light to rest or sleep. The same is true with fish and freshwater aquarium lights.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Growing Vegetables Year Round

Thursday, 13 February 2020 2:37:17 AM Pacific/Auckland

How do cherry tomatoes in the dead of winter sound to you, a gardener in a northern clime wishing for summer? Impossible, you say. Not if you garden indoors. Vegetables of all types can be grown year-round indoors, with the proper light, soil, fertilizer and temperature, as well as focusing on suitable plant varieties.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D

Create The Best Climate For Marijuana Grow Room

Friday, 7 February 2020 1:36:56 AM Pacific/Auckland

Once you’ve decided to grow your marijuana plants indoors, your next step is to figure out how exactly you are going to do it. There are a number of factors to consider when setting up your growing environment indoors.

Whether it’s the temperature or humidity of the room, the carbon dioxide level, the ventilation or the smell, you are going to have to arrange everything perfectly so you create the ideal environment for your marijuana plants.

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Posted in Growing Marijuana Weeds By Michael D

A Few Things You Need To Know About Marijuana LED Grow Lights

Wednesday, 5 February 2020 12:33:05 AM Pacific/Auckland

There are a few things you need to know about marijuana LED grow lights.

Pot growers around the world are definitely an opinionated bunch. They can argue endlessly about everything relating to weed cultivation. Of course even about what lights to use for indoor growing.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Acclimating your Corals to LED Lights

Wednesday, 15 January 2020 2:51:13 AM Pacific/Auckland

A big issue many reef hobbyists encounter when using new LED aquarium lights is coral bleaching and proper light acclimation.
Acclimating your Corals to LED Lights Coral bleaching is when a coral loses its symbiotic zooxanthellae (what gives them color). When corals are "stressed," they often expel their zooxanthellae, leading to a lighter or completely white appearance (hence, why we call it "bleaching"). In nature, it can be caused by a multitude of factors, including:

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By Michael D

10 Things You Must Look For When Choosing LED Grow Lights

Wednesday, 8 January 2020 2:39:26 AM Pacific/Auckland

Takeaway: LED grow lights bring definite benefits, but choosing the right product usually proves to be quite challenging. Here are the most important things you should look for when making your choice.
LED lights are revolutionizing the way we grow plants, enabling both professionals and enthusiasts to achieve optimal environment efficiency with minimal effort. The advantages are numerous, with just a few of the main ones mentioned below:
Stimulated growth
Adjustable wavelength
Energy efficiency

LED grow lights bring definite benefits, but choosing the right product usually proves to be quite challenging. The wide array of models available on the market, confusing statements from manufacturers and misleading product descriptions are some of the main reasons behind this.

Starting off with the wrong set of lights can be detrimental to your growing efforts, so making an educated purchase is a must. There are many factors and properties that need to be considered, but you should also be aware of your growing purposes, location, and other specifics involved. Following is a list of the most important things you should look for when making your choice.

1.Quality Build & Materials
Durability is one of the best things about LED lighting. If a lamp is built using quality materials, it can last for about 10 years. This is a long time during which you won't have to worry about making any changes to your set-up.

2. Brand Reputation
There are many different brands on the market and each one provides slightly different products. This makes the choice all the more difficult, considering that not all options are of equal quality.

In case you're wondering between different light choices where price and appearance are almost equal, taking a look at the brand can provide the answer. As in other fields, a company with good reputation, long history and extensive research and development efforts is more likely to have a good product.

3. Electricity Output & Consumption
Your LED grow lights will have to operate for at least 10-11 hours each day, which in turn will lead to increased electricity bills.

Making an informed choice and reading the detailed product description can save you troubles in the future, therefore you should always check how many units is the total output. The options go up to 1000w led grow light but you shouldn't settle for anything less than 300W. Have in mind that the higher output helps compensate for any wattage loss.

4. Low Heat Output
This is one of the most important things when choosing LED lights, as it contributes to two main factors – plant protection and durability.

The lights are in constant proximity to the plants and having low heat output guarantees that there won't be any damage but also enables for a smaller distance between the lamp and the plant.

Also, a light with higher heat output would burn out more quickly and will need to be replaced sooner. Well balanced low heat output LED grow lamps let off less energy as heat and have aluminum heat sinks attached.

5. Quality Semiconductor Chip
The semiconductor chip is the LED light`s core and serves the purpose of converting electricity to light, but also has a part in determining the wavelength. It is advisable that you look for a light that has a chip of at least 3 watts, otherwise it won't be able to provide sufficient illumination.

6. Consider What You Are Growing
The lighting you choose must be suitable for the type of plants you're growing. All LED lights will do the job to some extent, but certain models are made to address specific plant needs, as plants needs different kinds of wavelengths during each growth stage.

For example, if you are growing heavy crops like tomatoes, you will need a different light to maximize its growth than if you were growing flowers. Also, do you need lights only for vegetative cycles, flowering or is it a complete growing process?

7. Plant Growing Space
Space availability is a vital factor when purchasing lighting as it determines the amount and size of lamps you need.

The first thing you need to do is measure the exact size of your garden. Then you need to find out the lighting area size of the lamps you're considering in order to determine the exact number you need.

The general guideline most growers use is that you need 32 watts of actual power per square foot if you're growing high-light plants like tomatoes. Low-light plants like lettuce need somewhere between 11 and 18 watts per square foot.

8. Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights
Although plants can grow under almost any type of light, efficient photosynthesis requires different wavelengths and some of the best led grow lights can provide plants with the full spectrum necessary throughout each growth.

For example, in order to grow most efficiently, many plants need light in the red and blue spectrum, but also infrared and ultraviolet, depending on the stage. A powerful full spectrum LED grow light enables you to cater to the plant's specific needs by providing the proper photosynthetically active radiation values.

9. Easiness of Use and Flexibility
Sometimes you'll have to adjust the position of your lamps, based on the plant type and growth stage. Quality LED lamps are efficient, but also easy to use and will let you fine tune their placement with little effort.

Also, it is important that the wavelength and light intensity are adjustable as well. Look for products that are easy to maintain and ready to use straight out of the packaging.

10. Warranty and Return Policy
Most manufacturers also provide a guarantee on the parts of the light. Some parts of LED lights function independently, so if you're waiting for a spare to arrive your light can still do its job.

Full spectrum LED lights are becoming increasingly more popular due to their high efficiency and durability. Although selecting the right model can be daunting due to the saturated market and sub-substandard products, following these 10 criteria will help you find what you're looking for. Don't settle for cheap and look for lasting quality.

Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Growing Indoor Orchids

Saturday, 30 November 2019 11:04:33 PM Pacific/Auckland

To grow an orchid, you have to think like an orchid. The golden rule for orchid success is to duplicate the plant's natural conditions as closely as possible. In nature, most orchids are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other objects, clinging to rough bark or even stone. The showy orchids favored by most people are usually either phalaenopsis hybrids (so-called moth orchids) or dendrobium hybrids.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D

Effective Grow Tents for Hydroponic Gardening

Wednesday, 23 October 2019 10:01:10 PM Pacific/Auckland

Hydroponics enable you to garden without the use of soil, and there are various sizes of tents that can fit your growing needs. When plants are in soil, they gather nutrients from it, so when you use hydroponics, you need to supply the nourishment for the roots of the plants. This makes it easier for the roots to find nutrients, since they don't have to search through the soil for them.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By Michael D

Revolutionary Way To Grow Plants By Using Led Grow Lights

Friday, 6 September 2019 6:46:00 PM Pacific/Auckland

A light emitting diode better known as LED is a semiconductor light. These devices are used for lighting. These LEDs have many advantages such as low consumption of energy, small size, long life, immense durability, and dependability.

The advancement of science has permitted the production of cheap bright LED Grow Lights, which emit the wavelength of light similar to chlorophyll absorption limit. These are also called LED growing lights which are helpful for indoor plant growers. The indoor LED grow lights come in four different LED types to strike all four chlorophyll peaks.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Grow Your Own Hydroponics Christmas Tree

Tuesday, 20 August 2019 6:54:23 PM Pacific/Auckland

Christmas season has arrived and when we talk about Christmas, first thing that comes to our mind is Christmas tree.  Since 1850, Christmas trees are sold commercially in US and the best selling trees are Scotch pine, Douglas fir, Noble fir, Fraser fir, Virginia pine, balsam fir, and white pine.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D

Benefits and Uses of LED Lighting

Saturday, 17 August 2019 1:41:29 AM Pacific/Auckland

Are you looking for state-of-the-art LED lighting? This article will educate you about some of the most noticeable benefits of these small yet powerful lights in terms of cost effectiveness and environmental uses. LED is short for Light Emitting Diode. LED lights are made up of small semiconductor diodes that emit blue, green and red light when an electric current is passed through them. Using these three basic colors, all other colors can be produced by combining them in different proportions. Basically these types of lights are used as indicators and for other special purposes like Christmas lighting and for use in flashlights and car lights.

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Posted in News By Michael D

7 Types of Lighting Systems Suitable for Growing Marijuana

Tuesday, 6 August 2019 6:23:17 PM Pacific/Auckland

Takeaway: Novice cannabis growers may think that a grow light is a grow light is a grow light. But there are many different types of grow lights out there.
Each type of popular grow light has various attributes that makes it more or less suitable for each particular growing space. Knowing which grow light will work best in your own space, with your goals and budget in mind, will help you decide what will work best over time. Let’s take a look at the more common types of lights people use to grow marijuana.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By Michael D

Benefits Of Plant Hydroponics Growing Systems

Wednesday, 24 July 2019 11:42:08 PM Pacific/Auckland

Have you ever considered the vast amount of benefits that you can receive by using hydroponics? Hydroponic growing systems are simply the soilless growth of plants. What happens in hydroponics is that the plants are placed into a growing medium while nutrients are given directly to the plant roots. It is very rare right now, but the future is looking bright for hydroponic gardening. If you have not heard of the many benefits of hydroponic gardening, now is the time. Here are some key benefits that this very unique style of gardening include.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By Michael D