What are the different kinds of lighting for aquariums? How do you balance light and dark in the aqua-house? What is best for your fish when it comes to lighting matter? The familiar biblical note that goes, "Let there be light!, can be appreciated on the emphasis of the importance of light to all living creatures. It can spell beauty, health and attitude. It is not surprising that in photography and cinematography, for example, light is a basic principle and a very crucial component. For humans, the absence and presence of light can define the high and low parts of people's life. Light can mean happiness and hope while darkness can mean melancholy and depression. It can also mean day and night. Humans need day light for energy and dim light to rest or sleep. The same is true with fish and freshwater aquarium lights.

The same is true with fish. Fish need light for approximately the same eight hours a day that we need it and will have sensory and health problems if the lighting in the aquarium either stays on or off for too long at a time. What are the different kinds of lights for aquariums? How do you balance light and dark in the aquarium and, what is best for your fish when it comes to the brightness level of light?

Lighting an aquarium also does some minor heating in the tank. Most species of fish in their natural habitat live in regions with water temperatures of up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, relocating them means providing them with ample light and heat to de-stress them. It is said that the best aquarium lights should stand inside reflector hoods positioned on top of the tank's glass cover. In other designs, they are placed above the tank on a special frame. It is also best to attach timers to these hoods to monitor the so-called photoperiod exposure as fish do not usually need more than 12 hours of light each day. Believe it ir not, your fish will get accostomed to your lifestyle and the use of natural window lighting and sleep cycle of the home owners or business manager. You use this gadget to normalize or regularize the lighting in the fish tank.

In freshwater, bright light stimulates plants and algae to absorb harmful nutrients and produce oxygen. Ammonia and Nitrates are produced along with the many other toxins that build up. The ratio of needed light is based on the following: bulb lux, Kelvin PAR, lumens per watt, watts per gallon and lumen focus along with amount of fish and plants in the tank.

Full-Spectrum Fluorescent Bulbs enhance your fishes color and beautify your tank and are the most common types of lights available. Your aquariums temperature and your fish will find that these bulbs don't produce that much heat and are favored. On the other hand, Specialized Ultraviolet aquarium lamps aids the fish in successful breeding and plants with plant growth in the case of live plants. For others, an Aqua Glo Color Max or a thirty-watt light is enough to light a tank of 60 gallons.

Fantastic alternatives for great and nonexpensive lights are in the output range of 5500 to 8000 kelvin. Be cautious though that higher PAR lights may kill needed nutrients in the tank, and the disease immunity of the fish. T- High Output Lamps like the T5 have a PAR that is good for the health of your fish and discourages the growth of Brown Diatom Algae. Other lighting choices are Double-ended HQI Metal Halide, Socket-ended HID Metal Halide and LED or Light Emitting Diode type of lights.

Metal halide lights both HQI and HID, can usually get extremely hot and thus it must be coupled with auxiliary fans for peripheral ventilation to maintain a balance in the tank. When changing bulbs, use cloth to prevent skin burns and to avoid oils from your hands from contaminating the bulb. T5 High output Lights on the other hand are very compact and way cooler than metal halide lights. Its bulbs vary in wattage according to the size of tank: 24 watts for a 24-inch long tank, 39 watts for 36 inches, 54 watts for 48 inches and 80 watts for 60 inches. The rather more advanced and most expensive LED Aquarium Light is an energy and heat saver. It is known for its higher energy output and longer life of up to 50,000 hours. 8,000 to 10,000 hours of life are considered cheap these days for the life of the lights. There is also inexpensive lunar LED aquarium lights which are best for moonlight simulation.

In the ultimate effort of recreating a natural habitat for your favourite pet fish, lighting and heating your aquarium plays a significant role in the survival and successful breeding of your fish. Light and heat can create water temperature instability that may cause stress to fish if not well-balanced. A lights effect on fish can be manifested in the beautiful pigmentation of fish in full color. For other species, light and heat are very well needed for breeding. Sometimes certain lights can hurt the offspring of some varieties of fish.

While hobbyists tend to worry about an algae outbreak due to putting on bright lights in a tank, it must be noted that algae is natural and is mainly caused by nutrients in the tank and not only by the lights. For tanks using live plants, light and heat are relatively useful in photosynthesis and coloration. Except for incandescent lights that often need replacement, make sure you replace your light once a year for safety. A freshwater aquarium light can be expensive in this hobby, but it is an expense which is very necessary. It spells life. Can you imagine a pre-mature baby with no proper incubation? best aquarium lights please visit ledgrowlight.co.nz