Have you ever wanted to plant and grow your own Cannabis. Although, because of the underground nature of cannabis cultivation, there are more methods than there are gardeners.

Prepare a shelf. Build a shelf at a comfortable working height. The shelves should provide drainage. Options for shelve width are 12 inches (30.5 cm) and 24 inches (61.0 cm). Distance between shelves must account for the height of the grow lighting and the flats. 18 inches (45.7 cm) is suggested for the distance between shelves.

Provide lighting. This should be a standard 4 foot (1.2 m) indoor grow light, available anywhere. If you hang them with a chain and hooks, they will be more adjustable. Position lamps in a place where they will not be noticed by the casual onlooker. Cool white bulbs are suitable.

Provide containers and drainage. Standard nursery flats fit perfectly and are commonly available. The ones that provide drainage are used. It is not recommended that you use flats that do not drain. Use something to keep the flats slightly off the shelve so as to provide drainage and circulation underneath. One suggestion is corrugated vinyl roofing material. Heating mats designed for the purpose sometimes include a wire support which works well.

Keep the water off the floor. It is suggested that you slant your shelve ever so slightly so that the water runs towards a bucket or tub. The tubs used for mixing concrete are ideal.

Fill smaller containers to be put in the flats. Use smaller containers that fit with the standard flats. Many configurations are available or use whatever you have. Use store bought standard potting soil, not dirt.

Water the soil thoroughly to begin with.

Germinate the seeds. Soak them in water overnight in a dark cabinet. Then place a paper towel in a shallow plate, place the seed upon the towel, then fold the towel over. Make sure the plate is filled with water then drain off the excess water, leaving the paper soaked and the seeds inside. Put in the cabinet. Check at least every eight hours. Avoid letting the paper dry out. You will be able to sight whether the seeds have germinated or not. The time can vary.

Plant them. Once you have visual verification, plant the seeds in the home you have previously prepared for them. Plant them shallow, so that they are just covered. Use a pencil or your finger to make a shallow hole for the seed then cover them. Each seedling should be individually marked if the strain is rare or valuable.

Watering. For tiny seedlings where careful and attentive watering should rule, be sure to let them dry out, but not too much. Employ plain water at first. Water gently, use a mister on it's most gentle setting to water new seedlings

After germination, avoid over-watering. Beginners are the most likeliest to make this mistake. They want to be moist, but well drained for a successful yield.